Linux Storage: Filesystems Introduction In this article, our focus is files and filesystems. The UNIX philosophy of 'everything is a file' continues to hold true in Linux. Although it's not an absolute rule, most resources in Linux are treated as files. Linux
Configure OpenDKIM with Postfix on Debian What are opendkim signing criteria? And how Configure OpenDKIM with Postfix on Debian? Our goal is configure OpenDKIM to sign emails for multiple domains. Linux Debian Security Networking
Linux TCP keepalive TCP keepalive settings play a crucial role in network performance and resource management. By following the best practices and adjusting the settings to suit your specific needs, you can optimize your system’s ability to detect and clean up stale network connections while maintaining optimal performance. Networking Linux
How To Find Out Hard Disk Specs / Details on Linux Linux comes with various commands to find out information about your hard drive. I recommend hdparm command, which provides a command-line interface to various hard disk ioctls supported by the stock Linux ATA/IDE device driver subsystem. This command reads/request identification information such as disk size, description, and much more directly from the drive, which is displayed in a new expanded format. Let us see various Linux disk info commands to print hard disk drive details on screen. Linux Linux Utilities
BIND: Disabling IPv6 responses in bind dns server When using Bind9 as DNS service in your own network, it can be helpful to disable IPv6 (AAAA) responses to avoid the client to try to communicate via IPv6 if it hasn't been setup. Debian Linux Networking
BIND DNS server - permission denied How Fix BIND DNS server permission denied problem after log directory or log file change. Bind server failed with error: isc_stdio_open failed: permission denied Debian Linux Networking
Bonding - teaming 802.3ad LACP on Debian Server NIC teaming (Ling Aggregation) presents an interesting solution to redundancy and high availability in the server/workstation computing realms. With the ability to have multiple network interface cards, an administrator can become creative in how a particular server accessed or create a larger pipe for traffic to flow through to the particular server. Debian Linux Networking
Debian - Source Routing In some circumstances we want to route packets differently depending not only on ip destination addresses, but also on other packet fields: source address, IP protocol, transport protocol ports, or even packet payload. This task is called policy based routing - PBR. Debian Linux Networking
Debian Permanent Static Routes In this tutorial we are going to learn how to add permanent (persistent) static route in Debian or Ubuntu Linux. Debian Linux Networking
The most important Redis data structures you must understand Redis is the world's most popular in-memory data structure server. In order to make good use of it, we need to understand its basic data structures first. It supports data structures such as strings, hashes, lists, sets, sorted sets with range queries, bitmaps, hyperloglogs and geospatial indexes with radius queries. Linux
Webserver in bash - execute bash command Do you want a quick, dirty, and unsafe way to execute commands to your Linux box over HTTP? You can use the following hack! I don't recommend using this for a production system or something more important than a hobby project. Linux Bash
Bash Parameter Substitution What is linux bash parameter substitution and how use it Linux Bash Development