How disable swap in debian or linux system

How disable swap in debian or linux system


Swappiness is a Linux kernel parameter that controls the relative weight given to swapping out runtime memory, as opposed to dropping pages from the system page cache . Swappiness can be set to values between 0 and 100 inclusive. A low value causes the kernel to avoid swapping, a higher value causes the kernel to try to use swap space. The default value is 60, and for most desktop systems, setting it to 100 may affect the overall performance, whereas setting it lower (even 0) may decrease response latency.

vm.swappiness = 0 Version 3.5 and over: disables swapping. Prior to version 3.5: The kernel will swap only to avoid an out of memory condition.
vm.swappiness = 1 Version 3.5 and over: Minimum swappiness without disabling it entirely
vm.swappiness = 60 The default value.
vm.swappiness = 100 The kernel will swap aggressively.

To temporarily set the swappiness in Linux, write the desired value (e.g. 10) to /proc/sys/vm/swappiness using the following command, running as root user:

# Set the swappiness value as root
echo 10 > /proc/sys/vm/swappiness
# Alternatively, run this as a non-root user
sysctl -w vm.swappiness=10
# Verify the change
cat /proc/sys/vm/swappiness
# Alternatively, verify the change
sysctl vm.swappiness
vm.swappiness = 10

Disable linux swap permanently

# edit /etc/sysctl.conf file
~] vi /etc/sysctl.conf 

# disable swap
# add to end of file if not present:
vm.swappiness = 0

# reboot for changes
systemctl reboot
# ...
# ...
# ...

vm.swappiness = 0

Live changes in swappiness file

Here's the output of running vmstat 1, where you can see my machine is not swapping at all.

procs -----------memory---------- ---swap-- -----io---- -system-- ----cpu----
 r  b   swpd   free   buff  cache   si   so    bi    bo   in   cs us sy id wa
 0  0  78588 230788   9596  72196    0    0     0     0  543  652 12  6 78  0
 0  0  78588 230780   9596  72196    0    0     0     0  531  410  1  0 99  0
 0  0  78588 230796   9596  72196    0    0     0     0  300  335  1  1 97  0
 1  0  78588 230788   9608  72224    0    0    40     0  737  762  4  4 84  8
 5  0  78588 230788   9608  72224    0    0     0     0  415  385  9  3 84  0
 0  0  78588 230540   9616  72224    0    0     0    44  611  556 55  5 31  0
 0  0  78588 230532   9616  72224    0    0     0     0  574  662  1  6 89  0

Yet here in top command you can see I have swap space allocated:

Mem:    475236k total,   245076k used,   230160k free,     9720k buffers
Swap:   491512k total,    78588k used,   412924k free,    72476k cached

And live changes:

# disable swap
~] swapoff -a

# To set the new value to 20:
# make changes as root
~] echo 20 > /proc/sys/vm/swappiness

# To turn swap back on:
~] swapon -a


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