HUGO Datatables

HUGO Datatables
Decimal Octal Hex Binary Value Description Carret notation Escape sequence in C
000 000 00 0000 0000 NUL "null" character ^@ \0
001 001 01 0000 0001 SOH start of header ^A
002 002 02 0000 0010 STX start of text ^B
003 003 03 0000 0011 ETX end of text ^C
004 004 04 0000 0100 EOT end of transmission ^D
005 005 05 0000 0101 ENQ enquiry ^E
006 006 06 0000 0110 ACK acknowledgment ^F
007 007 07 0000 0111 BEL bell ^G \a
008 010 08 0000 1000 BS backspace ^H \b
009 011 09 0000 1001 HT horizontal tab ^I \h
010 012 0A 0000 1010 LF line feed ^J \n
011 013 0B 0000 1011 VT vertical tab ^K \v
012 014 0C 0000 1100 FF form feed ^L \f
013 015 0D 0000 1101 CR carriage return ^M \r
014 016 0E 0000 1110 SO shift out ^N
015 017 0F 0000 1111 SI shift in ^O
016 020 10 0001 0000 DLE data link escape ^P
017 021 11 0001 0001 DC1 device control 1 (XON) ^Q
018 022 12 0001 0010 DC2 device control 2 ^R
019 023 13 0001 0011 DC3 device control 3 (XOFF) ^S
020 024 14 0001 0100 DC4 device control 4 ^T
021 025 15 0001 0101 NAK negative acknowledgement ^U
022 026 16 0001 0110 SYN synchronous idle ^V
023 027 17 0001 0111 ETB end of transmission block ^W
024 030 18 0001 1000 CAN cancel ^X
025 031 19 0001 1001 EM end of medium ^Y
026 032 1A 0001 1010 SUB substitute ^Z
027 033 1B 0001 1011 ESC escape ^[ \e
028 034 1C 0001 1100 FS file separator ^\
029 035 1D 0001 1101 GS group separator ^]
030 036 1E 0001 1110 RS request to send/record separator ^^
031 037 1F 0001 1111 US unit separator ^_
032 040 20 0010 0000 SP space ^?
033 041 21 0010 0001 ! exclamation mark
034 042 22 0010 0010 " double quote
035 043 23 0010 0011 # number sign
036 044 24 0010 0100 $ dollar sign
037 045 25 0010 0101 % percent
038 046 26 0010 0110 & ampersand
039 047 27 0010 0111 ' single quote
040 050 28 0010 1000 ( left/opening parenthesis
041 051 29 0010 1001 ) right/closing parenthesis
042 052 2A 0010 1010 * asterisk
043 053 2B 0010 1011 + plus
044 054 2C 0010 1100 , comma
045 055 2D 0010 1101 - minus or dash
046 056 2E 0010 1110 . dot
047 057 2F 0010 1111 / forward slash
048 060 30 0011 0000 0
049 061 31 0011 0001 1
050 062 32 0011 0010 2
051 063 33 0011 0011 3
052 064 34 0011 0100 4
053 065 35 0011 0101 5
054 066 36 0011 0110 6
055 067 37 0011 0111 7
056 070 38 0011 1000 8
057 071 39 0011 1001 9
058 072 3A 0011 1010 : colon
059 073 3B 0011 1011 ; semi-colon
060 074 3C 0011 1100 < less than
061 075 3D 0011 1101 = equal sign
062 076 3E 0011 1110 > greater than
063 077 3F 0011 1111 ? question mark
064 100 40 0100 0000 @ 'at' symbol
065 101 41 0100 0001 A
066 102 42 0100 0010 B
067 103 43 0100 0011 C
068 104 44 0100 0100 D
069 105 45 0100 0101 E
070 106 46 0100 0110 F
071 107 47 0100 0111 G
072 110 48 0100 1000 H
073 111 49 0100 1001 I
074 112 4A 0100 1010 J
075 113 4B 0100 1011 K
076 114 4C 0100 1100 L
077 115 4D 0100 1101 M
078 116 4E 0100 1110 N
079 117 4F 0100 1111 O
080 120 50 0101 0000 P
081 121 51 0101 0001 Q
082 122 52 0101 0010 R
083 123 53 0101 0011 S
084 124 54 0101 0100 T
085 125 55 0101 0101 U
086 126 56 0101 0110 V
087 127 57 0101 0111 W
088 130 58 0101 1000 X
089 131 59 0101 1001 Y
090 132 5A 0101 1010 Z
091 133 5B 0101 1011 [ left/opening bracket
092 134 5C 0101 1100 \ back slash
093 135 5D 0101 1101 ] right/closing bracket
094 136 5E 0101 1110 ^ caret/circumflex
095 137 5F 0101 1111 _ underscore
096 140 60 0110 0000 `
097 141 61 0110 0001 a
098 142 62 0110 0010 b
099 143 63 0110 0011 c
100 144 64 0110 0100 d
101 145 65 0110 0101 e
102 146 66 0110 0110 f
103 147 67 0110 0111 g
104 150 68 0110 1000 h
105 151 69 0110 1001 i
106 152 6A 0110 1010 j
107 153 6B 0110 1011 k
108 154 6C 0110 1100 l
109 155 6D 0110 1101 m
110 156 6E 0110 1110 n
111 157 6F 0110 1111 o
112 160 70 0111 0000 p
113 161 71 0111 0001 q
114 162 72 0111 0010 r
115 163 73 0111 0011 s
116 164 74 0111 0100 t
117 165 75 0111 0101 u
118 166 76 0111 0110 v
119 167 77 0111 0111 w
120 170 78 0111 1000 x
121 171 79 0111 1001 y
122 172 7A 0111 1010 z
123 173 7B 0111 1011 { left/opening brace
124 174 7C 0111 1100 | vertical bar
125 175 7D 0111 1101 } right/closing brace
126 176 7E 0111 1110 ~ tilde
127 177 7F 0111 1111 DEL delete
Decimal Octal Hex Binary Value Description Carret notation Escape sequence in C
000 000 00 0000 0000 NUL "null" character ^@ \0
001 001 01 0000 0001 SOH start of header ^A
002 002 02 0000 0010 STX start of text ^B
003 003 03 0000 0011 ETX end of text ^C
004 004 04 0000 0100 EOT end of transmission ^D
005 005 05 0000 0101 ENQ enquiry ^E
006 006 06 0000 0110 ACK acknowledgment ^F
007 007 07 0000 0111 BEL bell ^G \a
008 010 08 0000 1000 BS backspace ^H \b
009 011 09 0000 1001 HT horizontal tab ^I \h
010 012 0A 0000 1010 LF line feed ^J \n
011 013 0B 0000 1011 VT vertical tab ^K \v
012 014 0C 0000 1100 FF form feed ^L \f
013 015 0D 0000 1101 CR carriage return ^M \r
014 016 0E 0000 1110 SO shift out ^N
015 017 0F 0000 1111 SI shift in ^O
016 020 10 0001 0000 DLE data link escape ^P
017 021 11 0001 0001 DC1 device control 1 (XON) ^Q
018 022 12 0001 0010 DC2 device control 2 ^R
019 023 13 0001 0011 DC3 device control 3 (XOFF) ^S
020 024 14 0001 0100 DC4 device control 4 ^T
021 025 15 0001 0101 NAK negative acknowledgement ^U
022 026 16 0001 0110 SYN synchronous idle ^V
023 027 17 0001 0111 ETB end of transmission block ^W
024 030 18 0001 1000 CAN cancel ^X
025 031 19 0001 1001 EM end of medium ^Y
026 032 1A 0001 1010 SUB substitute ^Z
027 033 1B 0001 1011 ESC escape ^[ \e
028 034 1C 0001 1100 FS file separator ^\
029 035 1D 0001 1101 GS group separator ^]
030 036 1E 0001 1110 RS request to send/record separator ^^
031 037 1F 0001 1111 US unit separator ^_
032 040 20 0010 0000 SP space ^?
033 041 21 0010 0001 ! exclamation mark
034 042 22 0010 0010 " double quote
035 043 23 0010 0011 # number sign
036 044 24 0010 0100 $ dollar sign
037 045 25 0010 0101 % percent
038 046 26 0010 0110 & ampersand
039 047 27 0010 0111 ' single quote
040 050 28 0010 1000 ( left/opening parenthesis
041 051 29 0010 1001 ) right/closing parenthesis
042 052 2A 0010 1010 * asterisk
043 053 2B 0010 1011 + plus
044 054 2C 0010 1100 , comma
045 055 2D 0010 1101 - minus or dash
046 056 2E 0010 1110 . dot
047 057 2F 0010 1111 / forward slash
048 060 30 0011 0000 0
049 061 31 0011 0001 1
050 062 32 0011 0010 2
051 063 33 0011 0011 3
052 064 34 0011 0100 4
053 065 35 0011 0101 5
054 066 36 0011 0110 6
055 067 37 0011 0111 7
056 070 38 0011 1000 8
057 071 39 0011 1001 9
058 072 3A 0011 1010 : colon
059 073 3B 0011 1011 ; semi-colon
060 074 3C 0011 1100 < less than
061 075 3D 0011 1101 = equal sign
062 076 3E 0011 1110 > greater than
063 077 3F 0011 1111 ? question mark
064 100 40 0100 0000 @ 'at' symbol
065 101 41 0100 0001 A
066 102 42 0100 0010 B
067 103 43 0100 0011 C
068 104 44 0100 0100 D
069 105 45 0100 0101 E
070 106 46 0100 0110 F
071 107 47 0100 0111 G
072 110 48 0100 1000 H
073 111 49 0100 1001 I
074 112 4A 0100 1010 J
075 113 4B 0100 1011 K
076 114 4C 0100 1100 L
077 115 4D 0100 1101 M
078 116 4E 0100 1110 N
079 117 4F 0100 1111 O
080 120 50 0101 0000 P
081 121 51 0101 0001 Q
082 122 52 0101 0010 R
083 123 53 0101 0011 S
084 124 54 0101 0100 T
085 125 55 0101 0101 U
086 126 56 0101 0110 V
087 127 57 0101 0111 W
088 130 58 0101 1000 X
089 131 59 0101 1001 Y
090 132 5A 0101 1010 Z
091 133 5B 0101 1011 [ left/opening bracket
092 134 5C 0101 1100 \ back slash
093 135 5D 0101 1101 ] right/closing bracket
094 136 5E 0101 1110 ^ caret/circumflex
095 137 5F 0101 1111 _ underscore
096 140 60 0110 0000 `
097 141 61 0110 0001 a
098 142 62 0110 0010 b
099 143 63 0110 0011 c
100 144 64 0110 0100 d
101 145 65 0110 0101 e
102 146 66 0110 0110 f
103 147 67 0110 0111 g
104 150 68 0110 1000 h
105 151 69 0110 1001 i
106 152 6A 0110 1010 j
107 153 6B 0110 1011 k
108 154 6C 0110 1100 l
109 155 6D 0110 1101 m
110 156 6E 0110 1110 n
111 157 6F 0110 1111 o
112 160 70 0111 0000 p
113 161 71 0111 0001 q
114 162 72 0111 0010 r
115 163 73 0111 0011 s
116 164 74 0111 0100 t
117 165 75 0111 0101 u
118 166 76 0111 0110 v
119 167 77 0111 0111 w
120 170 78 0111 1000 x
121 171 79 0111 1001 y
122 172 7A 0111 1010 z
123 173 7B 0111 1011 { left/opening brace
124 174 7C 0111 1100 | vertical bar
125 175 7D 0111 1101 } right/closing brace
126 176 7E 0111 1110 ~ tilde
127 177 7F 0111 1111 DEL delete
Country GDP per Capita (Nominal, 2021, USD)
Luxembourg $125,923
Ireland $90,478
Switzerland $90,358
Norway $76,408
United States $66,144
Denmark $63,645
Singapore $62,113
Iceland $58,371
Netherlands $58,029
Sweden $57,660
Australia $57,211
Qatar $55,417
Austria $54,820
Finland $54,817
Germany $51,967
Belgium $50,051
Macao SAR $48,207
Hong Kong SAR $47,990
Canada $45,871
France $44,770
San Marino $44,676
Israel $43,439
United Kingdom $42,236
New Zealand $41,793
Japan $40,733
Italy $35,062
United Arab Emirates $32,686
South Korea $32,305
Malta $32,099
The Bahamas $31,532
Puerto Rico $31,207
Spain $31,178
Europe $31,022
Cyprus $29,686
Taiwan $28,890
Slovenia $28,734
Estonia $26,378
Brunei $26,274
Czech Republic $25,991
Portugal $25,097
Bahrain $23,710
Kuwait $23,138
Lithuania $22,752
Aruba $22,710
Slovakia $21,606
Saudi Arabia $20,742
Greece $20,521
Latvia $19,934
Hungary $17,645
Barbados $17,472
Poland $16,740
Trinidad and Tobago $16,622
Saint Kitts and Nevis $16,491
Croatia $16,402
Uruguay $16,297
Romania $14,916
Antigua and Barbuda $14,748
Oman $14,675
Panama $14,390
Chile $14,209
Maldives $14,194
Palau $13,180
Seychelles $12,648
Costa Rica $11,805
China $11,713
Malaysia $11,378
Bulgaria $11,349
Russia $10,793
Saint Lucia $10,636
Grenada $10,211
Guyana $9,913
Nauru $9,865
Mauritius $9,630
Kazakhstan $9,454
Montenegro $9,152
Argentina $9,095
Turkmenistan $8,874
Serbia $8,444
Mexico $8,403
Dominica $8,111
Equatorial Guinea $8,000
Gabon $7,785
Dominican Republic $7,740
Thailand $7,675
Iran $7,668
Turkey $7,659
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines $7,401
Botswana $7,036
North Macedonia $6,933
Brazil $6,728
Bosnia and Herzegovina $6,536
Belarus $6,513
Peru $6,229
Jamaica $5,643
Ecuador $5,589
Colombia $5,457
South Africa $5,236
Paraguay $5,207
Albania $5,161
Tonga $4,949
Suriname $4,921
Fiji $4,822
Iraq $4,767
Kosovo $4,753
Libya $4,733
Georgia $4,714
Moldova $4,527
Armenia $4,427
Namibia $4,412
Azerbaijan $4,404
Guatemala $4,385
Jordan $4,347
Tuvalu $4,296
Indonesia $4,287
Mongolia $4,139
Marshall Islands $4,092
Samoa $4,053
El Salvador $4,023
Micronesia $3,995
Belize $3,968
Sri Lanka $3,928
Vietnam $3,759
Eswatini $3,697
Cabo Verde $3,675
Bolivia $3,618
Ukraine $3,615
Egypt $3,606
Philippines $3,602
North Africa $3,560
Algeria $3,449
Bhutan $3,447
Morocco $3,409
Tunisia $3,380
Djibouti $3,275
West Bank and Gaza $3,060
Vanuatu $2,967
Laos $2,614
Papua New Guinea $2,596
Honduras $2,593
Côte d'Ivoire $2,571
Solomon Islands $2,501
Ghana $2,300
Republic of Congo $2,271
Nigeria $2,209
São Tomé and Príncipe $2,133
Angola $2,130
Kenya $2,122
India $2,031
Bangladesh $1,990
Uzbekistan $1,836
Nicaragua $1,828
Kiribati $1,817
Mauritania $1,782
Cambodia $1,680
Cameroon $1,657
Senegal $1,629
Venezuela $1,586
Myanmar $1,441
Comoros $1,431
Benin $1,400
Timor-Leste $1,273
Kyrgyzstan $1,270
Nepal $1,166
Tanzania $1,132
Guinea $1,067
Lesotho $1,018
Zambia $1,006
Mali $992
Uganda $971
Ethiopia $918
Tajikistan $851
Burkina Faso $851
Guinea-Bissau $844
Rwanda $820
The Gambia $809
Togo $759
Sudan $714
Chad $710
Haiti $698
Liberia $646
Eritrea $632
Yemen $573
Niger $567
Madagascar $554
Central African Republic $522
Zimbabwe $516
Afghanistan $506
Democratic Republic of the Congo $478
Sierra Leone $471
Mozambique $431
Malawi $397
South Sudan $323
Burundi $267
Name Position Office Age Start date Salary
Tiger Nixon System Architect Edinburgh 61 2011-04-25 $320,800
Garrett Winters Accountant Tokyo 63 2011-07-25 $170,750
Ashton Cox Junior Technical Author San Francisco 66 2009-01-12 $86,000
Cedric Kelly Senior Javascript Developer Edinburgh 22 2012-03-29 $433,060
Airi Satou Accountant Tokyo 33 2008-11-28 $162,700
Brielle Williamson Integration Specialist New York 61 2012-12-02 $372,000
Herrod Chandler Sales Assistant San Francisco 59 2012-08-06 $137,500
Rhona Davidson Integration Specialist Tokyo 55 2010-10-14 $327,900
Colleen Hurst Javascript Developer San Francisco 39 2009-09-15 $205,500
Sonya Frost Software Engineer Edinburgh 23 2008-12-13 $103,600
Jena Gaines Office Manager London 30 2008-12-19 $90,560
Quinn Flynn Support Lead Edinburgh 22 2013-03-03 $342,000
Charde Marshall Regional Director San Francisco 36 2008-10-16 $470,600
Haley Kennedy Senior Marketing Designer London 43 2012-12-18 $313,500
Tatyana Fitzpatrick Regional Director London 19 2010-03-17 $385,750
Michael Silva Marketing Designer London 66 2012-11-27 $198,500
Paul Byrd Chief Financial Officer (CFO) New York 64 2010-06-09 $725,000
Gloria Little Systems Administrator New York 59 2009-04-10 $237,500
Bradley Greer Software Engineer London 41 2012-10-13 $132,000
Dai Rios Personnel Lead Edinburgh 35 2012-09-26 $217,500
Jenette Caldwell Development Lead New York 30 2011-09-03 $345,000
Yuri Berry Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) New York 40 2009-06-25 $675,000
Caesar Vance Pre-Sales Support New York 21 2011-12-12 $106,450
Doris Wilder Sales Assistant Sydney 23 2010-09-20 $85,600
Angelica Ramos Chief Executive Officer (CEO) London 47 2009-10-09 $1,200,000
Gavin Joyce Developer Edinburgh 42 2010-12-22 $92,575
Jennifer Chang Regional Director Singapore 28 2010-11-14 $357,650
Brenden Wagner Software Engineer San Francisco 28 2011-06-07 $206,850
Fiona Green Chief Operating Officer (COO) San Francisco 48 2010-03-11 $850,000
Shou Itou Regional Marketing Tokyo 20 2011-08-14 $163,000
Michelle House Integration Specialist Sydney 37 2011-06-02 $95,400
Suki Burks Developer London 53 2009-10-22 $114,500
Prescott Bartlett Technical Author London 27 2011-05-07 $145,000
Gavin Cortez Team Leader San Francisco 22 2008-10-26 $235,500
Martena Mccray Post-Sales support Edinburgh 46 2011-03-09 $324,050
Unity Butler Marketing Designer San Francisco 47 2009-12-09 $85,675
Howard Hatfield Office Manager San Francisco 51 2008-12-16 $164,500
Hope Fuentes Secretary San Francisco 41 2010-02-12 $109,850
Vivian Harrell Financial Controller San Francisco 62 2009-02-14 $452,500
Timothy Mooney Office Manager London 37 2008-12-11 $136,200
Jackson Bradshaw Director New York 65 2008-09-26 $645,750
Olivia Liang Support Engineer Singapore 64 2011-02-03 $234,500
Bruno Nash Software Engineer London 38 2011-05-03 $163,500
Sakura Yamamoto Support Engineer Tokyo 37 2009-08-19 $139,575
Thor Walton Developer New York 61 2013-08-11 $98,540
Finn Camacho Support Engineer San Francisco 47 2009-07-07 $87,500
Serge Baldwin Data Coordinator Singapore 64 2012-04-09 $138,575
Zenaida Frank Software Engineer New York 63 2010-01-04 $125,250
Zorita Serrano Software Engineer San Francisco 56 2012-06-01 $115,000
Jennifer Acosta Junior Javascript Developer Edinburgh 43 2013-02-01 $75,650
Cara Stevens Sales Assistant New York 46 2011-12-06 $145,600
Hermione Butler Regional Director London 47 2011-03-21 $356,250
Lael Greer Systems Administrator London 21 2009-02-27 $103,500
Jonas Alexander Developer San Francisco 30 2010-07-14 $86,500
Shad Decker Regional Director Edinburgh 51 2008-11-13 $183,000
Michael Bruce Javascript Developer Singapore 29 2011-06-27 $183,000
Donna Snider Customer Support New York 27 2011-01-25 $112,000
Name Position Office Age Start date Salary


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