How Control Object Attributes In Python Unlike Java, which enforces access restrictions on methods and attributes, Python takes the view that we are all adults and should be allowed to use the code as we see fit. Nevertheless, the language provides a few facilities to indicate which methods and attributes are public and which are private, and some ways to dissuade people from accessing and using private things. Python Development
How Solve Any Linear Equation in python This function can solve any linear equation in three lines of code — it could even be rewritten in two lines. As of my knowledge, this is the most efficient method to solve a linear equation in Python. Python Development
Colorize linux programs output Learn how to make your Bash/Shell script colourful and attractive without installing any plugins and configuration. Linux Bash Development
7-bit ASCII Character Codes The ASCII table, an abbreviation for American Standard Code for Information Interchange, utilizes a 7-bit character encoding system to represent 128 unique characters. These include both control and printable characters. The table is composed of 32 control characters (ranging from 0-31) used for text formatting management, and 96 printable characters (ranging from 32-127). The latter includes the English alphabet, digits, and common punctuation marks. Development Linux Linux Utilities
Active and Passive FTP Simplified - Understanding FTP Ports File transfer protocol (FTP) is a popular application-layer protocol that is used for file transfers across TCP networks. FTP supports two modes: active and passive. These modes use different connection mechanisms, and each require different firewall configurations to allow access. This article discusses the differences between these modes. Networking Security
Certbot - Let's Encrypt certificates on Debian server with Apache webserver How install and use certbot on Debian system, examples how create Let's Encrypt certificates for multiple domains, how handling certbot automatic renewal. It covers a apache2 webserver configuration for using cerbot generated certificates. Setup is made for Debian and debian based linux distributions Linux Debian Security Web Servers
Certbot and Let’s Encrypt CA What is Certbot, cerbots commands and user guide, what is Let's Encrypt Rate Limits. How works cerbot authenticators and installers, certbot commands exmaples Linux Security Web Servers
How Change Timezone in debian distros When you want change timezone in debian linux distors like debian or ubuntu, you can use one very simple command in your command line dpkg-reconfigure tzdata Debian
How Reset root password in MySQL and MariaDB If you assigned a root password in MySQL or MariaDB previously but have forgotten it, you can assign a new password. The following sections provide generic instructions for that apply to any system. Databases Linux
How Scrape HTML Tabular data with Python This short article will show you a tutorial on how to the easiest way to scrape the tabular data from any website with the three lines of Python Script! Python Development
How To Save MySQL query output to file or export to CSV Answers to a few questions about Mysql or MariaDB databases: How To Save MySQL/MariaDB query output to file or export to CSV? How to list MySQL database table column names without the table formatting? How to log the output from an entire MySQL client session? Databases
OCSP Stapling on Nginx and Apache webserver To understand OCSP stapling, it is necessary to understand OCSP, the Online Certificate Status Protocol. OCSP is a protocol for determining whether a certificate is revoked (for instance, becau se its private key was compromised). Every time a browser connects to an HTTPS website, it contacts the OCSP responder specified in the SSL certificate, and asks if the certificate is revoked. If the respond er replies that the certificate is revoked, the browser blocks the page from loading. Web Servers Networking Security