The Nagios / Icinga plugin check_multi is a convenient tool to execute multiple checks within a single check command that generates an overall returned state and output from it.
It calls multiple child plugins and displays their output in the long_plugin_output. A summary is given in the standard plugin output. The child return code with the highest severity becomes the parent (check_multi) plugin return code.
check_multi problem
When I configure to run multiple nagios/icinga monitoring plugins with check_multi plugin, icinga web server show me this error messages:
If you want to learn how to work with python list append() and list extend() and understand their differences, then you have come to the right place. They are powerful list methods that you will definitely use in your Python projects.
Python list.append()
Let's see how the append() method works behind the scenes.
You should use this method when you want to add a single item to the end of a list.
Inspired by this discussion , I wanted the ability to style a markdown table with Bootstrap table classes .
While this works fine, I wanted something that meets the following criteria:
- The table is defined in markdown
- It lives in the content file, e.g.
- It’s styled with Bootstrap table classes
Create css file with bootstrap tables
You can create own css file with bootstrap tables definition based on original bootstrap 5 css file. Or you can download my css file with all bootstrap tables definitions: